Saturday, July 20, 2013

DIY Minnie Mouse Invited

     I cant believe how fast time goes!!! We lost our first daughter (21 wks gestation), September 2010, adopted our daughter, Savanna, in May 2012, and gave birth to our Rainbow baby, August 2012. I cant believe she will be one! We did a year of Fertility to conceive her and  fought every day to keep her in! We were able to make it to Full Term on the "T" 37 wks 0 days! She will be ONE in three weeks!
   It does not feel like its been a year, but since I will have to face reality I have been having tons of fun planning her party!

First DIY minnie mouse invites! I had to play around a lot on Word to get it to appear the way I wanted it to! My husband drew up the minnie mouse out line! We then got some cute ribbon to tie a hair bow on it!What ended up being so cute about this was i folded them in half (hamburger way lol) and they looked like Minnie mouse hats!!

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